NEWS • 12.10.2020

Keyter launches AirSanit

Keyter launches AirSanit, an unique air handling and purification unit compatible with the presence of people. AirSanit combines several effective technologies in a single system to reduce and eliminate viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, bacteria and other microorganisms or pathogens, present in indoor air with an efficiency of 99.995%. These combined technologies also ensure that AirSanit can operate in spaces occupied by people, without any negative effect on them, as it does not use any substances that are harmful to health, such as ozone, chlorine, hydrogen peroxide or hydroxyl for example.




The R&D teams of Keyter, Intarcon and Genaq have joined forces to develop a certified technology effective against SARS-COVID 19 that goes one step further than those currently on the market. Research centers of the University of Córdoba, IMIBIC (Instituto Maimónides de Biomecánica de Córdoba) and the certification company DEKRA in Málaga have participated in this project.


Keyter, which already has products that ensures the quality of indoor air, is leading the research and is in charge of manufacturing, incorporating some of the latest technologies already present in its units to AirSanit in combination with other technologies of tested effectiveness against this type of noxious components.


AirSanit is a low speed air handling and purification unit with a double germicidal effect, designed under a modular concept which eliminates bioaerosols that serve as carriers of viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, bacteria, including multi-resistant bacteria responsible for nosocomial diseases and other microorganisms, present in the indoor air, in addition to other particles such as pollen, mold, dust, etc.


AirSanit is equipped with a system of pre-filters and HEPA13 or HEPA14 filters achieving up to 99.995% effectiveness against viruses. Its design includes a UVGI lamp system, with an exclusive design where the air flow is irradiated under the UVGI effect and enhanced by the reflection produced on the interior walls of the unit made of smooth stainless steel, while the surface of the HEPA filter is also irradiated. The unit operates at low speed increasing time of permanence of the treated airflow under UVGI irradiation and, thereby, increasing the degree of disinfection, sufficient for the inactivation of microorganisms, viruses or bacteria such as E. Coli, TBC, SARS, Legionella, moulds, spores, etc.

“AirSanit is equipped with a system of pre-filters and HEPA13 or HEPA14 filters achieving up to 99.995% effectiveness against virus”

This double germinating effect is also combined with our exclusive Detox System, developed by KEYTER, which completely deactivates the viruses contained in the particles retained by the HEPA filters and present in the unit, allowing maintenance work on both HEPA filters and UVGI lamps to be carried out in complete safety for operators.

Air purification

AirSanit has been developed for greater versatility in your facilities in a mobile version with wheels, plug & play, with no installation requirements to enjoy its benefits immediately in spaces such as cultural buildings, industry facilitieshealth centers, leisure, shops and businesses, residential and hospitality. In addition, there is Pro-version for installations with air ducts in places such as hospitals, airports, educational centers, hotels, residences or shopping centers among others.

These units can operate 24/7/365 allowing remote monitoring based on Cloud system (IoT), are fully programmable and have maintenance alarm systems to ensure 100% efficient operation throughout their activity. Its user interface also provides information on the Indoor Air Quality showing interesting data like the content of CO2, VOC, PM2.5 and PM10, as well as information of the status of the HEPA filter or of the temperature and relative humidity contained of the ambient air, in the unit, etc.


Main advantage

The main advantage of AirSanit compared to other solutions, besides the inactivation of viruses for safe of maintenance processes, is the possibility of continuous use, achieving a permanent and 100% safe disinfectant effect for simultaneous use by people and/or animals. This system drastically reduces viral loads distribution in air and therefore reduces airborne infections, creating safer spaces for the health of workers and users.

More information

Do you want to know more about our AirSanit solutions or do you want more information? Request our brand new catalogue or contact.

Proyecto Utap para la Investigación y Desarrollo en Equipos de Purificación de Aire Basados en Hibridación de Tecnologías

Se constituye un equipo investigador para estudiar la viabilidad de una unidad de tratamiento de aire y purificación. El equipo que se ha conformado incluye a los miembros de los departamentos de I+D+i de las empresas KEYTER, INTARCON y GENAQ, empresas de capital andaluz especializadas en el diseño y fabricación de equipos de Climatización, Frío Industrial y Generación de Agua Atmosférica, respectivamente. Colaborarán técnicos de I+D+i especializados en Ingeniería de Termodinámica y Termotecnia, Ingeniería Mecánica e Ingeniería Electrónica y de Control.


Asimismo, se incorporan personas de centros de investigación de la UCO, Universidad de Córdoba, de la UGR, Universidad de Granada, del INTA, Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial a través de su laboratorio NBQ, y de la empresa de ensayos y certificación DEKRA.

La Universidad de Cordoba (UCO) participa a través del Grupo de Investigación del Departamento de Termodinámica Aplicada. UCO, cuenta con equipos tanto de generación como de medida de bioaerosoles en el rango de 0,1 a 8 μm. Estos equipos se podrían emplear para la evaluación de la capacidad de estos nuevos sistemas para retener aerosoles. Así como la evaluación de eficacia de equipos purificadores en locales mediante modelos matemáticos.


El departamento de sistemas NBQ de INTA lleva a cabo simulaciones de generación/propagación de aerosoles biológicos peligrosos incorporando medidas de bioseguridad nivel III para preparación y manipulación de estos agentes. Las pruebas y ensayos se harán con el bacteriófago MS2 (sustitutivo Coronavirus) y posteriormente con E.Coli.


UGR colabora en el muestreo y análisis de muestras microbiológicas procedentes de los equipos que se desarrollen y de la calidad de aire obtenido. Esta información, junto con la capacidad del equipo para retener bioaerosoles garantizarían que el equipo responde a las exigencias de higienización requeridas en el proyecto de I+D+i. Las pruebas y ensayos se hacen con Coronavirus.

Esta ayuda está cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España 2014-2020. La financiación del Centro para la concesión de este tipo de ayudas proviene de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado a través del capítulo 7, del programa 467C asignado a su Ministerio de tutela.


Esta ayuda está asociada al Fondo de Provisiones Técnicas Red Cervera y proyectos de I+D+I previsto en el Real Decreto-ley 8/2020, de 17 de marzo, de medidas urgentes extraordinarias para hacer frente al impacto económico y social del COVID-19 destinado a garantizar la devolución del importe de la ayuda, derivado de la aplicación de la medida de exención de garantías para PYMES y MIDCAPS en los proyectos CDTI ante la emergencia sanitaria declarada por el COVID-19.

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