Equality Plan

Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, on the effective equality of women and men aims to uphold the right to equal treatment and opportunities between women and men by eliminating discrimination on the grounds of sex, regardless of the circumstances or conditions, in any sphere of life. This is especially relevant in the workplace, where it proposes actions to promote the reconciliation of personal, work, and family life.

As a result, Keyter Technologies, S.L. (“Keyter”) has approved this Equality Plan, convinced that non-discrimination, equality, and the reconciliation of family, work, and personal life lead to a better quality of life for the company’s human capital. In turn, this helps increase productivity and results in greater overall satisfaction within the company.


Furthermore, Keyter has an Anti-Harassment Protocol in place as the procedure to establish the necessary preventive actions against any type of harassment at work. Its goal is to foster a work environment that respects the dignity of employees, thereby eliminating any form of harassment or discrimination that may arise.


The purpose of this procedure is to define a method for implementing preventive measures against any form of harassment in the work environment. Its aim is to foster a workplace based on respect for the dignity of employees and to eradicate any type of harassment or discrimination. In doing so, it seeks to protect the health, morale, trust, and self-esteem of employees, minimizing the negative impact of such situations.


This procedure applies to all employees, job applicants, customers, and suppliers of Keyter Technologies, S.L.

With regard to the types of harassment that may occur at work, we distinguish three:

– Sexual harassment

– Harassment on the grounds of sex

– Moral harassment


The Equality Committee ensures the implementation, monitoring, and improvement of equality policies within a company or organization. Its main objective is to promote a fair work environment, free from discrimination, and with equal opportunities for men and women. It comprises representatives of both the company and the employees, ensuring balanced and equal participation.


– Confidentiality

– Diligence and promptness

– Orality and simplicity

– Adversarial principle and right of defense

– No reprisals

– Awareness and prevention


The content of the Protocol will be published on the company’s website and will remain in force until it is modified or replaced by a subsequent version.


By way of introduction to the regulations, it can be noted that the prevention of workplace harassment is included in the main legal texts of Spanish positive law:

– Spanish Constitution

– Workers’ Statute

– Occupational Risk Prevention Law

– Law on Effective Equality between Women and Men

– Criminal Code

Incident Form

    You can choose to submit this form ANONYMOUSLY so that the recipient of this data cannot know your identity in any way (unless you explicitly provide it by filling in the non-mandatory fields). To submit anonymously, simply do not fill in the fields that could identify you, such as the name, email or phone field.
    Compulsory fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

    I authorize the processing of my data for the attention of the consultation and its transfer to the companies of the Keyter Intarcon Genaq group when necessary.
    I acceptI do not accept

    We also request your authorization to offer you products and services related to those requested, provided and/or marketed by our company and thus be able to retain you as a customer.
    I acceptI do not accept

    Updated January 2025


    Do you want to read our complete Equality Plan? You can download it here.

    Do you need the incident form to print? You can download it using the button below.

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