NEWS • 24.06.2024

KEYTER and INTARCON Sponsor Cytef 2024: A Commitment to Sustainable Refrigeration

XII Iberian Congress and X Ibero-American Congress of Cold Sciences and Techniques, which will be held from June 26 to 28, 2024, at Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Under the theme “Science and Technology for More Sustainable Refrigeration,” this event presents itself as a key platform for the discussion and analysis of the latest advancements in the refrigeration sector.

The congress, held every two years, addresses a wide range of topics related to cold production, air conditioning, heat pumps, energy efficiency, and refrigeration applications in various industrial and commercial sectors. This year, the event will coincide with World Refrigeration Day, highlighting the global importance of this field.

Congress Topics

Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technologies
– Thermodynamic cycles
– Refrigerants and refrigerant/absorbent or lubricant mixtures
– Heat and mass transfer
– Components and equipment
– Control and optimization

Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration

– Refrigerated cabinets and freezers
– Cold storage rooms and refrigerated display cases
– Commercial, domestic, and industrial refrigeration
– Technical standards and regulations
– Safety systems in refrigeration installations

Air Conditioning

– Air conditioning processes and systems
– Components and equipment

– Air conditioning in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings

– Ventilation and indoor air quality

– Air conditioning of unique spaces

– Technical standards and regulations

Food Processing and Preservation

– Use of refrigeration in the production and processing of food and beverages

– Freezing and preservation of frozen foods

– Preservation and packaging of fresh foods

– Transportation and storage of food products

– Quality control, hygiene, and safety

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies

– Energy efficiency in building construction

– Integration with renewable energies and recovery systems

– Industry 4.0 and data processing

– Energy audits and facility management systems


– Teaching methodologies and techniques
– Implementation of new technologies in the classroom
– Development of competencies in students and teacher training

Invitation to Participate

KEYTER and INTARCON, leaders in the HVAC sector with a strong investment in R&D and a steadfast commitment to energy efficiency and environmental respect, are proud to sponsor this important event. We invite all professionals, researchers, and students to join us at Cytef 2024 to share knowledge, explore innovations, and collaborate in building a more sustainable future for refrigeration and air conditioning.

We look forward to having your presence and active participation in this benchmark congress in the Iberian and Ibero-American scope!

For more information and registrations, please visit the official website of Cytef 2024:

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