Enfriadoras y Bombas de calor aire-agua
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Enfriadoras y bombas de calor equipadas con tecnología full inverter integrando compresores inverter, válvula de expansión electrónica y ventiladores electrónicos de velocidad variable para el máximo ahorro energético y cumplimiento de normativa ErP 2021.
Esta gama integra los compresores en compartimento cerrado y aislado de la vena de aire ofreciendo versiones con grupo hidráulico y depósito de inercia incorporado.
Enfriadoras y bombas de calor equipadas con tecnología de compresor multiscroll y ventiladores electrónicos para un importante ahorro energético y cumplimiento de normativa ErP 2021.
Esta gama integra los compresores en compartimento cerrado y aislado de la vena de aire ofreciendo versiones con grupo hidráulico y depósito de inercia incorporado.
Hydraulic versions:
KWG – Standard version (S)
Equipment with no hydraulic unit. The KWG equipment has triple protection of the plate heat exchanger because, as
standard, it comes with a flow switch in the water piping, water antifreeze protection and freon antifreeze protection.
KWG – Version with hydraulic unit (P)
Integrated hydraulic unit composed of a circulation pump suitable for water or glycol water to 0°C, expansion
vessel, bleed and stop valves, pressure gauges and a fl ow switch. For water temperatures lower than 0°C, the low temperature kit is required, which requires replacement of the pump and adds electrical resistors to the hydraulic elements for work with water temperatures as low as -10°C
KWG – Version with hydraulic unit and buffer tank (H)
Equipment designed with a hydraulic unit in addition to a buffer tank with an antifreeze
electrical heater to reduce compressor short cycling. The hydraulic unit is built into the unit’s chassis in all models. H version in series 4 and 6 does not alter the dimensions of a standard unit. Optionally, a module independent to the equipment may be delivered, with a 375 or 725 litre capacity buffer tank and antifreeze resistors.
For water temperatures below 0°C, it is necessary to request the low-temperature kit for the hydraulic unit.
PACIFICA series includes the AQUAMANAGER programmable electronic control, specifically developed for the management of air-to-water and water-to-water equipment with the pGD1 user and maintenance terminal.
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